Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hongkong trip.

I spent approximately 9k for this trip?


Slim got lucky and was transferred as a Help desk for a new project at their company and will be supporting Hongkong based clients.

One of the perks is an all expense paid training for a month!
Free plane ticket, accommodation and allowance!
He gets to travel for free!!!!

He hasn't left yet but I miss him already.
So we kinda cheated for this budget trip.

On his 12th day I booked a ticket for 4006 pesos round trip to HK! So affordable?! Uh-uh!

First step is to get a passport.

I had issues with my birth cert. My gender is male (I know right) so I had struggles with getting a passport, frequent trips to DFA which stressed me out since I have to go there after work.

Traveling from Fairview to Pasay is not easy.
I have to ride a shuttle from the office to MRT at 6am and MRT is being MRT; long lines, delayed trains, crowded coach, sweaty guys, then another ride to DFA.

After the long commute back and forth I finally have my passport. I will post details about that soon I haven't fix my birth cert yet as of today.

I was losing hope with getting a ticket, as my planned date comes; plane ticket is getting more expensive. We would chat everyday to vent my frustrations out with my passport then I thought about the plane ticket. I didn't bought one yet because of my passport issues. While checking the airlines site I came across Clark Airport.

Let me check nga, to my surprise it was only 4k! No seat sale!

They were promoting the airport I guess and because the ticket is so affordable I booked it right away.
After getting my itinerary ticket I googled how to get to Clark. It was really easy!

There are buses directly going to Clark from Trinoma and Megamall.

My plans were to eat breakfast at Mcdo infront of Trinoma, kill time then check the schedules in Trinoma. The lounge is new so I don't have much information online. All I know is the tarp I see during my DFA trips and the bus that departs at 10am.
I wasn't paying attention at that time since the airport I know is in NAIA. I didn't even know we have an airport in Clark.

I get off to work at 6am. I have my backpack. (Backpacker talaga peg ko today.)
My small bag for my tablet, my passport, cell phone, plane ticket, credit card information and listed the hotel, the address, husband's number. I am nervous but so excited. I always wanted to travel alone; I get this adrenaline rush that is so crazy. But I married, so traveling would always be with him. But today I get to check off another item in my bucket list.

  • International trip by myself. 

After killing time in Mcdo, I went to Trinoma and it was still closed. I asked the guard and he advised me that the bus is coming from Megamall. I could wait at the lounge but it was too early for me. So I decided to go to Megamall.

With traveling, I always make sure I have option A and B. Option B is Megamall, I called Philtranco the night before and had a seat reservation for 10am. My flight is at 6pm but I don't want to risk missing my flight. The next bus leaves at 2pm, I don't know the traffic situation so I decided to go in early.

I got to Megamall at 8:30. The lounge is at the back of Megamall, near the grocery, in front of St. Francis. There were people waiting and per the Philtranco guy the bus is coming from Pasay. And the bus arrival depends on how many passengers are aboard and the traffic. I was bored to death that I am becoming sleepy. There were 2 foreigners that came and woke me up because of the taxi drivers voices they were harassing them. I am sure other countries do that but it's annoying because if you need help you would ask for it, right?

He keeps on saying cheap only, they were backpacking couples but I didn't talk to them, where they are from or where they were heading. At 10:30 the bus finally came. I was lucky to have made reservations; it is an assurance of seating during the whole travel.

Everyone got seated except for the two.

We passed by Trinoma to get passengers but apparently another bus is on its way so the passengers from Trinoma decided to wait.

The journey was really fast. We got there at 12:30. My flight was at 6pm. The guard at the entrance let me in so I could rest.

They finally allowed checking in at 4pm. So.So I did.

Baggage check-in.

I paid an additional 650 for the terminal fee and lucky that my plane ticket includes the travel tax. I get to sign the immigration form and headed to the immigration area.

I was asked for my purpose of travel and I told him that I'll be visiting my husband who is on training. I showed my return ticket tell him where he is staying. He said he remembers my husband, which is weird because his flight was in NAIA. He even asked me where he works, what building which I almost forgot ; he asked for my company ID and I got my first stamp. I kinda look like a backpacker so everything is cool. The airport is small but the waiting area for flights is nice.

The flight was really fast, 1 hour and 30 minutes; I just got a bad headache, not used to the pressure I guess.
Solo flight selfie

And I arrived safely.

The Hongkong International Airport is huge. We rode a shuttle and a long walk to the immigration area. Again, I was so excited. I felt like this is the first time I realize I can see. At the immigration area, I was nervous but showed my return ticket and was not asked that much, I thought it would be difficult for me since I am traveling alone. Then I got my Visa stamp. Hurray!

Slim is waiting for me at the arrival area and seeing him after 12 days is like falling in love with him for the first time. Teehee.

Welcoming the backpacker.

My first meal is a Big Mac. Cheaper and bigger than what we have. I get to eat because his co-trainee Arlene is also waiting for his boyfriend who also came from Manila but we were on different planes.

What I didn't know is walking is the main transportation. We walk from the airport to MTR. He bought me my own Octopus card and airport express ticket on the way to the airport when I go home.  He had organized everything here which is a first. I usually take care of our travel details. I think he also cheated a bit because his co-trainees are Filipino-Chinese, they know Chinese and one is a Hongkong National who migrated in the Philippines so they know the way here.

The Octopus card is cool since you can use this in Fast Foods, MTR, 7-11, it's just like an ATM card prepaid with money. I hope we have something like this here.

The MTR is big compared to MRT here in the Philippines. It has a Europy feel. And you have to be careful because you might end up to a different place. They have signs but it's confusing.

He is staying in Holiday Inn, Express Causeway Bay. It is near the Time Square and because my visit is almost their New Year there are many sales and bargains. They even have artificial Cherry Blossoms as a display.

First night. Time Square HK.

Time Square HK.

His hotel room is small but nice. They have a free ironing room which I use on my last day. It is near the MTR which is convenient for travel and I like it because its quiet. We discussed how I am going to spend my 3 Nights 2 Days stay here.

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My first night I went shopping!

The next day, we had breakfast. The hotel offers free breakfast and per Slim; tea is always available.
I had my tea and first breakfast.

Breakfast view from the hotel.

Then we headed to HK Disneyland.
Another walkathon moment to the MTR then Disneyland express. The travel is really smooth. Cool train interiors with Mickey Mouse holders and Mickey Mouse designs. I think our travel time is more than 30 minutes but you can't tell because you don't see traffic and the scenery is nice. I was so impressed with Slim because he knows where to go. Just like a local.

Ride to Disneyland.

The entrance fee is 499 hk dollars per head. I decided Disneyland will be for our kids soon. I don't think I'll be enjoying the rides so we just have our selfie sessions.

Then, we went back to the MTR. Our friend is inviting us to check Oceanpark but I have seen Oceanpark here so I thought I won't enjoy it. It's just fishes. We went to Ngong Ping 360 instead.

The cable car is 245/head and a clear bottom. It was a good experience since we get to see a view of Hongkong, it was really high. And get to experience more of the people. There are a lot of tourists from the mainland and from different countries.

Would you believe people hiking below.

I enjoyed the ride so much.
We had lunch at Citygate Outlet. What I noticed is with one meal you can actually share this with 2 people. I wonder why they don't get fat. Then I realize all the walking that I'm doing.
I just hope that we also have this kind of serving in the Philippines.

We were supposed to visit the Wax museum but my feet are aching so we went back to the hotel.

We got a message from Arlene that her boyfriend is treating us for dinner.
We were waiting for Ali, their co-trainee who was the HK National but was not answering so it was just us 4.

Again it was a walkathon for us.

Second morning, is another shopping day.
Went to the tiangges and bought tops, leg warmers and some pasalubong.

We also get to buy office clothes for Slim. Since Chinese New Year is near all shops are on sale.

Dinner is at their favorite place, Cafe Coral. We had shabu-shabu.

For my last day, Slim has to go to work in the morning. My flight is 8:45 pm so he still has time to send me off.

I am alone in an unknown place. YEHEY!
So I just strolled around, did some shopping, had lunch alone in a Chinese Restaurant.

Then, wifey duties and sleep.

Wifey duties means packing clothes and ironing them.


My ride home is via the Airport Express. Again it was nice if we have something like this.
We have a lot of OFW workers and it is convenient if we have a direct ride to the airport. It will boost our tourism too.

There is no airport fee in Hongkong.

I was sad for leaving home alone, and satisfied that I get to do this on my own.
My flight is fast. The tour group I saw on my way is also on the same plane like me.
We got to Clark at 10:30 pm.

I thought based on the website that 11pm is the last ride to Manila but since it was new, I was the only passenger and had to wait.

The bus driver and conductor was nice enough to let me stay at the bus and sleep. The bus departed at 2am.

I got to Sm North at 3am and rode the taxi home.

My favorite picture.

NOTE: I didn't include the other expenses because it was Slim's allowance that we use during my stay. This is how much I spent, now for meals it usually cost 200 php per meal but the serving is huge. Hotels are usually 8000 to 10000.

I spent;

Plane ticket 4006
Terminal fee 650
Bus from Megamall to Clark 450
Clark to Sm North 450
Taxi ride home 150
Pasalubong 2000
Shopping 2000

Total = 9706