Why Travel by Car?

It all started with our car which we bought after our first year of marriage. Our plan is to go to places. I’ve always wanted road trips, before I graduated all I want was to travel, try new things, to live. If I haven't fallen in love I'm probably one of those people who are living the life of travelling.

     My travel goals won't probably worked if it wasn't for him. My first plane ride was with him, my first trip abroad was possible because of him. Our road trips won't push through if he didn't insisted because he knows I am dying to go to places and of course he DRIVES then I NAVIGATE, perfect combo right?

     I'm also a frustrated writer so I decided travels + writing + road trips is a match. It took me awhile to think about what I will write about. I used to have so many blogs and just posting random stuff but I wanted to reach more people and I want to influence some. I thought about traveling because it's something I want to do, if I am going to write about it that means I'll be pumped up with exploring and if I am going to write about traveling it needs to be unique. There are so many travel blogs and I need to think of something that it different. I'm glad my husband loves driving so why not write about our drives?

     Slim on the other hand has been everywhere he is used to camping, he also has relatives in Visayas and Mindanao which he visits often so travelling is not new to him. I don't know why but for some reason he really loves to drive.

Driving around whether in the Metro or beyond Manila became our stress reliever working at the office is draining for both of us and short trips, long trips is our release. What I love about driving with him is the journey; I get to spend more time with him. We laugh, we talk about our plans, we fight, we cried together and we talk about our past and all the good memories we had and the good memories we will be making.

      Travelling became our drug of choice the feeling that we get on our journey is intoxicating and when we get to our destination is a plus. We may have only traveled a little but we will be exploring more soon.

     We want to share our moments and hope to inspire others that you can travel comfortably with your own vehicle.

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