Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Flying with a baby

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What is it like to travel with a baby alone?

Obviously it’s D-I-F-F-I-C-U-L-T.

What more if you are travelling by plane alone and 15 days Post Partum? It was difficult and I did it.
I deserve a slow clap and a pat on the back.


Why did I do it?
The three of us was supposed to go together 13 days Post Partum but I was having doubts. First, I still feel tired AF. I haven’t fully recovered with my sleep. The pain is gone, YES. I gave birth via C-section BTW. It was all in a rush so I haven’t really gathered my heart into it and I was worried sick about getting held in the airport for flying a tiny baby.  Our baby is small and I have to pack our things. Tired, rush, pack, and held was all I can think about so I decided to stay behind. I half heartedly wanted to stay for the week at home but I’m going to miss the father of my baby and granny needs to see little one so I gave my game face on and booked ourselves a ticket and fly alone.

Here are my tips for easy travel.
1.       Wear a dress or garterized pants/ shorts. I had to use the rest room with a baby bag, a baby, my sling bag and I was wearing jeans! Why did I even?!
It was hell. I won’t let strangers carry my baby duh? But I did it! It was a sweaty task but it’s doable. I had to put him on the diaper changing station for a minute to fix my pants. Wearing a dress would have made it easier.
2.       Pack lightly. I had to ditch the milk can (small can), the diapers and bring only enough. We decided to just buy on our destination. So I had 1 bag pack checked in. Baby bag as a carry-on and it wasn’t heavy. I can’t carry heavy objects yet.

Waiting for check-in. Do you see that I'm wearing jeans?

3.       Swaddle your baby. I don’t know if my baby is a quiet one but he didn’t make a fit on our travel. (Thank you Hani and Jazz for the swaddle) Flight was even delayed for almost 3 hours.

Swaddle me.

4.       Put ear plugs on baby. I made one out of cotton.
5.       Have your fit to travel ready. Before we decided to fly. Slim called the airlines about restrictions on flying a baby. I thought the baby was the problem but it was me. I had to secure one but no one asked about it when I was securing our boarding pass. It’s better to have one ready just in case. Don't forget your meds if there are any.
6.       Bring your baby’s birth certificate or any proof of your little one’s identification. We don’t have the birth cert yet but Slim took a picture of the birth certificate that will be registered by the hospital. The booking counter accepted the picture. I also brought the discharge instructions from the hospital and Thirdy’s baby book.
7.       Make sure baby can fly. On PAL’s website baby should be 16 days. When we called Cebu Pacific baby should be 16 days. But upon check-in 14 days is okay.
8.       Ask for help at the airport. Driving the trolley is hard with a baby on hand.
9.       If you need to eat try to find a restaurant that has a couch so you can put your baby down.

Thank You for couches. I can eat and rest for awhile.

10.   If you can bring a stroller the better. I couldn’t, because I can’t lift heavy objects yet. 
11.   Try to ditch the priority lane for PWD, Pregnant, Seniors and with Children upon check-in. The line is effing long. I had to stand with baby on hand for an hour. A lot of people are flying with kids plus the Seniors.

This is the priority lane.

12. Look for breastfeeding stations if you are breastfeeding or pumping.

I didn't know where Terminal 3's BF station is but this is in Silay Airport

We survived. My arms were so tired. We were welcomed by Daddy’s arms when we landed. Will I do it again? No! It was a memorable first time parent experience but I won't do it again. Then pray, pray that baby won't get sick and that you arrive safe.

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