Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Driving to Baler with Friends

It's my birthday month again and planning to do another Road Trip with Slim. Since last year I felt that we didn't enjoyed Baler that much (except for the food trip) we decided to go back to Baler. (Excited Screaaaaaaam!)

I invited some of our friends and they agreed to join us. Equipped with Toyota Innova, bags and ourselves we drove to our adventure at 3 am in the morning. 

Phen, Jazz, Me, Slim and Hani

This is the first time we are travelling with friends and we haven't really bonded in a while so this is going to be fun. We were a bit hesitant to travel though because it is the Holy Week but we still pushed through when I was able to make reservations to a transient house. I made a down payment a month before our trip only to find out that there are no available room for us to stay when we got there. It was such a disaster. Kristine's House is closed. I sent a text message to the contact person to let her know we are on our way. Her reply felt like she wasn't expecting us. Beware, I forgot the name of our contact person or maybe because it was the Holy Week but we are disappointed.

Kristine's Villa Hauz

I was mortified! The number listed is +63928-242-6286. I called her and told her about our situation she asked us to go to meet her some place. We did, I was able to breathe a little when I met her and she was asking us to stay in a vacation house by the Angara's but it was too far from the beach and we will be staying at the basement. We didn't agree, the place looks spooky although there are people staying there. We left the place with her and she was calling several persons, receiving several calls and accepting bookings! We went back to Sabang and she got us a transient. Apparently the people occupying the room found another place so we got it. It was a house in front of Nina's Transient, 3 mins away from the beach. We were sharing the place with a group of almost 15 with a shared bathroom. Our room is okay, with 1 double deck and 1 Queen size bed. They gave an extra mattress. We were 5,so the room fits us. Our only problem is the shared bathroom. Since the other group is huge we have to wait in line for our bathroom break.

We were tired, exhausted and a bit annoyed but we didn't let this take the best of us. We went touring the falls and some attractions and enjoyed the beach.

We toured a bit and checked the Falls. We were supposed to visit the Mother falls but backed off when we learned about the looooonng trek. 

Photo by Jazz

Museo de Baler by Jazz
Photo by Jazz
Photo by Jazz
Caunayan Falls
Photo by Jazz

Photo by Jazz

A bit crowded
Photo by Jazz

My fave surfer gal, our trek to the falls

Checking the beach
Surf's Up

My surfer Guy

Day 1 was so eventful we thought we wouldn't get the room and the money I sent would just go down the drain but thankful that we still got a place to stay. After settling down and having lunch at the Rolling Stores the two hunks decided to surf. They were inexperienced to surfing and decided to just rent a surf board because they think know they can do it by just watching. (Laughing out loud.)

The surfboard they rented belonged to a famous surfer who was shot dead. They even did a surfer gathering at the beach in his memory.

Hani warming up and Phen coaching.

Watching the surfers.

 And of course they suck, being inexperienced surfers all they did is succumb to the waves and was very exhausted after. We had to give them a massage after.

Day 2

Beautiful Baler

We went on more touring. You can do a lot of things in Baler, its not just about surfing.

Lovers in Lukso-Lukso Islets
Photo by Jazz
Third wheel? hehe

Gorgeous rock formations
Photo by Jazz
It was breathtaking place. So many picture perfect areas, Baler is definitely not just about surfing.

Digisit Falls
Photo by Jazz

Photo by Jazz

To Ermita Hill
Photo by Jazz

We had to climb the stairs to Ermita Hill since the tricycle we rented would not be able to take the hill. It was a steep hill but if you have a car you can just use it.

View from Ermita Hill
Photo by Jazz

Photo by Jazz
Cobra Reef behind us

Girls Night out

Photo by Jazz

We had Hungry Surfer's Buffet at Bay's Inn

 After touring the girls went on surfer guy hunting. We had dinner at Hungry Surfer's at Bay's Inn and take out dinner for the boys at Yellow fin.

Photo by Jazz

Photo by Jazz

The boys stayed at our Transient House the night before and had a few drinks with our housemates. They said that they had issues with booking a room too. The difference is we had made reservations a month before. The original tenants left because they found a better place to stay. They were really nice, its just a hassle for the shared bathroom since they were more than a  dozen.


They surf again before going home.


 We had lunch at Gerry Shan's before going home. I enjoyed it the first time we went here but now it seems it's just an ordinary buffet. Food is good and its cheap but I felt there was nothing special.

Buying Pasalubong somewhere in Nueva Ecija



GAS (DIESEL) -  2500
TOLL 2WAY - 700
SURFING - 2000
TOUR - 1000
FOOD (3DAYS) - 12000

TOTAL (5 PERSONS) = 22200