Friday, April 19, 2013

Drive to Baler, Our Quick Baler Trip

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Baler is becoming a popular destination these past years. It’s becoming popular for surfing and popular for the food. I decided to celebrate my 28th birthday at Baler.

I've been asking around, reading blogs and checking with Slim if it’s okay to travel to Baler. He made a go signal so I'm excited!!!

Our first problem is if Ligaya our sedan car can make the travel. Slim loves Ligaya so much that dents or rough roads make him twitch. Blogs tells us about the road is not 100% paved.

A week before my birthday I ask my mom if we can bring her car. She agreed and I'm tagging her along and my sister with us. We are going to drive to Baler using a Mitsubishi Adventure. YAY!!! So with research and planning we left at around 3am with a note from Aliyah Surf Camp Resort the route to Baler. We were also putting our trust to Google Maps and by 9am we reached Baler.

This is what we followed courtesy of


Foggy morning along the Sierra Madre Mountain Ranges

The blogs were right the roads are probably 75% paved when we were in Nueva Ecija. Thankful that we are using my Mom's car it was such a winding road. We passed by Pantabangan and the view of Sierra Madre is stunning! It seems that my eyes are satisfied on our way what more when we reach Baler?

It was Sunday so we attended the mass. Check-in time in Aliyah is 12 noon. I made reservations and made down payment a week before, We were able to tour a little, visited Museo and was able to walk around. Baler looks like a historical place. We ate breakfast at Bay's Inn tried the breakfast buffet. I was hearing good reviews and it was good, it’s just the usual corned beef, tapa bread etc. Buffet price was 180/head. Then we checked in at Aliyah. We got the Standard room for 3 for 2100 and added 300 pesos for the extra person. The room is nice, it’s clean and the bathroom is spacious. I like the surf pictures hanging on the wall.


I really liked Aliyah, it looks classy the rooms are okay. It's not hotel type but its clean. We rested a bit and had lunch at Rolling stores. We were so exhausted from the long trip and I just got home from work so after lunch I sleep until the next day!

Slim's body aches as well so he also slept after dinner.

We didn't surf.

My mom and sister at least checked the beach.

The room we took has a complimentary breakfast for 2 so we just ordered 2 more for my Mom and sister. We had enough time to lounge at the beachfront and enjoyed the scenery. Baler has a cool breeze and the waves are really strong. We didn't check the falls or the Balete Tree. We were a bit rushing to go home because we were scared to be stuck in traffic.

We left at 10 and tried Gerry Shan's buffet. Buffet is also nice, this part I enjoyed the most. What's nice is its only 185/head after lunch we left.

I know, I know I didn't try the beach but I really love Baler. I love the food and the quiet ambiance. It's summer but it's not crowded despite the booming tourism. I really enjoyed the food here. It's like Baler is a haven for foodies (matatakaw) like me.

Estimated Expenses:

Diesel 3000
Hotel 2400
Bfast Day 1 720
Lunch 500
Dinner 300

Bfast Day 1 300
Lunch 740
TOTAL 7960

THIS IS FOR 4 PEOPLE. Will I go back? YES!!!!!!

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