Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas in Bolinao

What’s the best thing about this trip? Spending Christmas Eve sleeping while driving TPLEX!

Sleepy face
Merry Christmas!

So, weeks before Christmas we know we will be spending it somewhere. This is the first Christmas in years that my Dad will be spending home so why spend it at home? It's been our tradition for the last 3 years to spend it in Pansol but we are skipping it. So again, with no concrete plan, with no reservations we will be spending it North!

I'm so thankful that my work is good this year and I get to spend Christmas Eve with my family. Night shifts have its pros and cons and one of the cons is Christmas Eve at work.

After my 8am shift we headed home to pack.

First Stop: Porac, Pampanga

We were invited by my Brother’s in laws to spend Christmas there. We got there by 3pm, traffic is not that bad but we had a few delays. I was so sleepy but I couldn’t sleep. I slept a little when we were there, we had a little party, karaoke, foods, drinks then raffle games. We left at 10pm and headed to Dasol.

Handsome Nephew

Consolation prize, sorry from my sleepy face

Second Stop: Dasol

We got to Dasol by 2am and checked R Paradise, by brother didn’t like it there so we move to Villa Balinmanok. We didn’t like it both so we left and drove to Bolinao.

Moon light, this is the only pic I have in Dasol

Third Stop: Day 2 Bolinao

White Sand in Bolinao

We stayed at MJO Resort, we got 2 rooms. Rooms are 2500 for 6 persons, they have a cabinet for your things, cold shower but the bathroom is clean and the room is big. Check their Facebook page >>

PHOTO by my Brother

5 AM Moonlight

The moon is just bright this Christmas

What did I do there? Sleep!!!
It was the most satisfying sleep I had for days and while they were swimming I was resting. It was fine I mean vacations are supposed to be relaxing aye? Since its Christmas the staff at the resort are on leave so we had to buy and prepare our own food. 

Fourth Stop Day 3 Bolinao Falls

Quick Selfie at the Lighthouse

After a day of rest and relaxation we went to the Falls. The falls is majestic but it was dirty, flies everywhere and lots of tourists. Maybe we went there the wrong time. The falls has an entrance fee of 20/head.

Look at the picture below and appreciate the beauty without flocks of tourists.

This was taken by my brother 1st week of December 2015

This was taken by my brother 1st week of December 2015
Next Stop? Baguio!


1000 FT Gas rate is 34/liter
500 Refill at Dasol
45 Min AVE

218 NLEX

132 STEX exit PORAC

TPLEX FREE!!! (Thank you for the Christmas GIFT)

500  LUNCH

Bolinao Falls
80 Entrance Fee

6275 for 6 persons

SLIM and I spent  3137.50

But if you are with your friends this trip would cost 1046 per head for a group of 6 persons

Monday, December 7, 2015

Where to next?

Where do you find the answers to your questions that no one can answer?

When you lost something, you know where to search for.
When you lost someone you don't know where to start.

Where do we go from here?

Dinadiawan Agri Resort, Aurora Philippines April 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Rough road to Tambobong

It's a bumpy ride but our car survived.

Tambobong Beach Dasol Pangasinan Rough road to paradise

During my getaway searches I stumbled upon this amazing place. We were not able to go last summer with our family because of work. A weekend getaway would be nice I thought so before I go back to work after my healing period Slim decided its Dasol’s time to shine.

No edit needed

We were supposed to leave at 2 a.m. but left by 4 a.m. insomnia has been visiting me the past days so I woke up late. By 8 a.m. we are in Iba, Zambales we took the NLEX – Subic SCTEX Route instead of going to TPLEX.

Spot Ligaya
Breakfast at IBA

I think TPLEX would be shorter but we’ll try that soon. By 10 a.m. we are in the Municipality of Dasol and entered Burgos which will bring us to Tambobong Beach. We were dismayed that the better route is closed so we were left with rough roads. The unpaved road is 80% rough, we have our travel buddy Ligaya and Slim is getting agitated with every bump she took.  

Road to Paradise

After 2 hours of our bumpy ride we were welcomed by a concrete road and a sight of the beach. Yehey!! Ligaya survived!!! We asked around and we finally got to our home for the night R Paradise Beach Resort.

I was nervous about the place they have bad reviews in Trip Advisor but good blog reviews, my family stayed in Abella’s last time and they loved their stay. But there is something about R Paradise that made up my mind…the bathroom perhaps?

I texted Ms. V the night before and she was very accommodating, she made sure we are assisted properly and to text her if we need something, she even called me when we got there when I asked her about the road going home. This place is really recommended.

When we got to R Paradise I felt home because of the people behind the resort. They were very accommodating, very polite and are making sure that we are taken care of, Filipino hospitality at its best. I actually love our room, it’s simple and rustic. The bed is made of local materials, the wall is cemented covered with mats (BANIG), we have cabinets, the room we took has a fridge, it’s clean and the bathroom is gorgeous. The bathroom is made of rocks from the sea and it’s huge with shelf made of wood. It does not have hooks for your things but they have enough shelves for your clothes, soap and stuff. The shower is great, not only do you feel one with nature but it doesn't get flooded and the toilet is clean.

It may look raw but there's A/C and it's functioning well.

Loving the pebbles

A seat in the shower

We had lunch when we got there, they have our lunch prepared and it was good. After lunch we packed our beers and a few things and off to Culibra Island.
While going to our boat I noticed that the beach is actually nice, staying in Tambobong would be enough, there are a lot of fishing boats docked and the water is clear.

The beach front

The boat ride is okay but a little bumpy, it’s not like the other boat rides we’ve tried before but we survived.

Smiling even if the waves are crashing

A boat just left Culibra Island so we are the only tourists left. The sand is clear and finer than the sands in Bolinao. There are 3 coconut trees left with no leaves so it was so hot in this island. No shades left but the water is amazing. We stayed maybe for 45 minutes and off to the rocky Crocodile Island. I recommend going here early so that you can bear the heat of the sun. Our bankeros told us that there used to be Sea Snakes in this island but they left,must have been scared of tourists.

Bye guys!

Culibra Island


Hot in Culibra, off to Crocodile Island

The tide is low when we got to Crocodile Island and was told that the boat can’t be docked so we had to walk to the camp site. It is a rocky place. Thank you for our Aqua Shoes it was manageable, I felt like we hiked mountains going through rock formations and hiking a little. It was a good 10 minute walk to the cave where we stayed.

Again it’s just us enjoying the moment. We stayed here for 4 hours, swimming, eating, drinking, acting like kids and savoring the moment. What I like about Tambobong is its clean, maybe a few empty plastic bottles but it’s nothing compared to the other places we’ve been to. It’s really a paradise.

I was too scared to go inside

This place has a lot of potential, I know that secluded places like this would be a waste if tourist will flock the area but if we promote responsible tourism we can enjoy places like this and still make the place better.

Anatomy of FUN

Fisherman boat going to Scarborough Shoal

For dinner we had grilled fish and decided to eat by the beach, what’s funny is I can hear a Gecko (TUKO) somewhere our kubo and dogs were waiting for a treat. I really felt remote here but enjoyed it, a nice break from the city life.


Since we enjoyed our dinner we asked if we can also have Grilled fish for breakfast. Wish granted!!! We left at around 10 a.m. and felt like we are leaving our relatives behind. It's like saying goodbye to our Aunts and Uncles and in our hearts we told ourselves we will go back.


We planned to eat lunch at San Marcelino Rosa Farms but when we got there the Café Is closed. The café is open during the summer.

Bummer, cafe is open only on summer

Is Tambobong Doable by car, despite the rough road? YES!!
Will I go back? YES!!!

Our Total Expense is between 5500 – 6000 the cheapest vacation we had and what I realized is it’s the same amount if you commute via bus. 3k per head is not bad right?

Estimated Expense

1200 Full Tank
GAS RATE is 33.85/liter
1100 (R Paradise Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast PLUS Beer)

300 Breakfast at IBA

45 MIN
173 NLEX
168 Subic SCTEX

218 NLEX

Depends on the number of heads and the room you take


Ligaya's pampering after