Sunday, November 21, 2010

I fell inlove with Guimaras

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We went to Guimaras to celebrate our first wedding anniversary.
We have my parents with us.
Slim, my husband is from Bago City which is just 15 minutes away from the port to Guimaras. He misses home so this is also an opportunity to see his family. If you want to try an alternative way to Guimaras you may book a flight to Bacolod to Bago City then Guimaras.

An island in Guimaras. You don't have to be a photographer to capture the beauty of the place.

We stayed in Raymen Beach Resort and the accommodation is really cheap. Food for big groups is also affordable. I didn't made research going there since husband knows the place.

 The beach is perfect. It's clean; I don't feel itchy after the water dries up in your skin.
It is one of my indications how clean the beach is.

One Advice I would suggest is skip Seafdec, you will waste your time there except if you really want to see turtles and fishes. I think the boatmen suggest this to tourist, less island hopping more time to rest for them. When we got there Island hopping for our group of 6 is 400.

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