Saturday, March 21, 2015

I convinced Slim to a Converse Warehouse Sale.

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There were posts in Facebook about an upcoming Converse Warehouse Sale in Marikina. I've been seeing that when I started working but didn't have the time to check it.I finally convinced Slim to check it. I know he won't like it because I'm sure it's going to be crowded.

I get out to work that day at 4am. We had breakfast at McDonald's Commonwealth and by 5:30 we are off to Marikina. Google maps has always been our guide, we would get lost but eventually find our way.

We got to the warehouse by 6:30 am because we got lost. hehe...
The line is already long at this time. They open the gates by 9am so we waited patiently.

He was sleeping in the Car but stalking me instead

 By 9 the line started to move. I've tried a Penshoppe warehouse sale 7 years ago when my College best friend gave me tickets. Her sister is working at Penshoppe so she got tickets. It was organized that they don't let too much people at the warehouse so I was expecting that to happen but I was wrong. When I got in, it was so crowded. People are everywhere. It felt like a grocery contest where you would pick all the items you can, and get it for free so that is what everyone is doing. Pick what they like put in their plastic and find a spot to try it. When I say spot literary a spot, a small space.

Because I just got out of my shift, I'm sure some were like me. I didn't get to choose a lot; I got a John Purcell white sneaker for 700. Slim got a sweater for 600 and board shorts for 400. He didn't try so much. Lining up the cashier is worst. We were out by 12:30 sweating like pigs. I felt I came out of a steam room.

I was not satisfied with what I got so I told him I'll go back and we did. We were helping my parents with their business and when they got time they decided to check the sale. It was Monday morning and surprisingly it was unlike the last time.

No lines, a lot of space and you can pick what you want. We got there by 11am and I got 2 shoes 900 each. Hurray!!! Slim got something for him too a pair of sneakers that cost 5000 and got it for 1800.

The first day does not look like this.

My parents got 4 pairs for 4000. ^__^

The two on the right are my Sister's and Dad's

My favorite pair.

My first chuck's. =)

Lesson learned; don't go on the first day that falls on a weekend and pay out day. I'll definitely try another warehouse sale and make sure I do it on a weekday.

***Update 11/17/2015 the Next Converse Sale will be on Dec 5 - 20 2015 from 9am to 7pm. Goodluck!***

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